The WC7I Web Page

The real purpose of this site is
Antenna Fundamentals for the Beginner.

The UTC date is

(use that information to fill out your QSL cards to DX stations)
For the past 24 hours,  Solar X-Ray's have been

and the geomagnetic field of the Earth has been

The previous information has been provided by Kevin Loch N3KL He has a very interesting site.

The following information is provided by Paul L. Herrman N0NBH.
You really should see his website. Click anywhere on the display above.

The following "daily fact" comes from

A different WC7I fact every day !

"Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything."
William of Ockham (1285-1349)
Ockhams Razor

Did you hear a callsign you want to look up?
QRZ callsign lookup:

"Grey-Line" propagation happens at sun-up and again at sun-down.
Your signal will go significantly farther along the grey-line between day and night. This map shows where the grey-line is right now. Check this at sun-up and again at sun-down to see where your signal will go.
The shadow moves to the left.
Current Gray-Line Position
This image comes from

The WC7I website contains lots of stuff that is not organized into one subject so

there are several options below for you to choose.

Antenna Fundamentals begin here.

  • Dipole element and radial length calculator.. You pick the frequency of operation, and I will calculate the element and radial length. First dipole? Start here.

  • Aiming a dipole antenna. This works for aiming any antenna.

  • 3 Element Yagi antenna design for any frequency.. You pick the frequency of operation. This is why you are here!

  • Vertical Antenna Theory (using buried radials). You need a lot of information to understand a Vertical Antenna. Or, maybe this is why you are here.

  • SWR and Antenna Tuner theory (the truth) The real honest information about what happens in the antenna system with a high SWR

  • Everything else I do not have here.
    This is the K6XC Ham Radio Web page. It has lots of links for everything you ever wanted to know. Press your "back" button to come back here.

  • ↓ The rest of the site information is below. ↓

  • The WC7I repeater information.. Lots of WC7I repeater details.

  • -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
  • Go to the website for the Capitol Peak Repeater. This is a great web site!

  • Go to The Olympia Amateur Radio Society website. There is a lot of interesting information.

  • USA Earthquakes in the last week... You might be suprised to see how many and where they are!

    Send me an email by clicking here.

    Credits...I was helped a lot by my son, Aaron Ward N7LFZ
    More Credits...This web site lives inside Slowfuse.Com, Aaron's site.